Dudley Building Society

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All Products0.80%0.37%0.18%

Dudley Building Society has been providing mortgages and savings accounts to the people of the Black Country for over 160 years. However, in late 2013 it decided to appoint a small number of strategic partners to widen its distribution and substantially grow its mortgage book. Complete FS were one of the companies chosen to do this and with Dudley’s innovative approach to lending has successfully supported this growth.

In July 2019 Dudley Building Society were the 6th lender on the Complete panel to provide an onsite underwriter; Anna Pullen will be with Complete FS two days a fortnight and will look after all DIP’s and subsequent mortgage applications. This will improve turnaround times and Phil Jay, Director of Complete FS said “Working closely with Dudley BS, particularly being their most effective partner in terms of business quality and the percentage of cases which are correctly packaged and presented, having their underwriter with us two days a fortnight can only further improve that trend of successfully completed cases.”


We are pleased to announce that Dudley have just released a 5-year fixed rate at 4.99% with only 3yr ERC!

Exclusively available via Complete FS.

This exclusive product is available up to 90% LTV and Dudley’s usual flexible criteria. With the cost of living and mortgage rate rises, this could be a great option for your residential clients to secure their mortgage for 5 years in these turbulent times.

Key benefits:

  • 4.99% 5-year fixed rate 
  • Max Loan To Value: 90%
  • Available for: Purchase and Remortgage
  • Min/Max Advance: £25,000/£1,000,000
  • Lender Arrangement Fee: £499
  • Valuation Fee: Payable on application
  • Application Fee: £125
  • Early Repayment Charge (ERC): 3% of current balance in the first year and 1% for years two and three
  • Overpayments: 10% of the advance amount can be repaid per annum for three years without incurring a charge.
  • Procuration fee of 0.37%

This offer is exclusively available and there is a very limited tranche of funds available, for more information or help with a residential enquiry please call the team on 02380 456 999 Option 1.

Here some examples of why Dudley BS are often considered as a high street alternative:

Ex Pat BTL & Ex Pat Resi

Self Employed


Interest Only

Self Build & Custom Build

Multiple income streams accepted

Complete are supported by Sam Lea as BDM and Anna Pullen as the
in-house underwriter

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