Harpenden Building Society

ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Residential / large loan (£1m+) 0.50%0.25% 0.125%
Later Life Lending 1.0% 0.50% 0.25%
BTL/CBTL 1.0% 0.50% 0.25%
JBSP 0.4% 0.20% 0.10%
Self-build 0.75% 0.375% 0.1875%
Holiday let/home & second property 0.40% 0.20% 0.10%
Development 1.00% 0.50% 0.25%

Harpenden Building Society prides itself on offering a commonsense approach to mortgage lending for residential loan and Buy to Lets. They are often able to provide a solution where the borrower’s requirements are complicated or unusual. They thrive on complicated situations – they do not use credit scoring, just straightforward common sense.

This individual approach means the Society can often lend to people that other lenders will not consider just because they do not meet their criteria – even though they may be very good at managing their finances and have carefully thought through their proposition.

Harpenden were added to the Complete FS panel early in 2015 following the appointment of Graeme Aitken, Business Development Manager.

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