Bath Building Society

ProductGross Fee paid by lenderNet fee paid to regulated broker Net Fee paid to non-regulated & client referral service
Buy to Let0.80%0.35%0.18%

Bath Building society was added to the Complete panel in Oct 2019 due their diversity and commercial approach to lending. This is evidenced by some of their unique products that includes a “Rent a Room” product and “Parental assisted Mortgage” to help first time buyers as well as some excellent criteria around Buy to let products and Ex-Pats.

As one of the smaller Building Societies offering mortgages, savings and investments Bath Building Society are passionate about giving their Members and Customers something special, something they find difficult to get elsewhere.

Because of their size, they don’t do things like the larger financial institutions:

Bath Building Society are an excellent example of a lender who has found some interesting niches in the speacialist
lending arena and control their distribution through professional, hand picked distributors such as Complete.

We are delighted to have them on our panel.

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